I use the wok almost every other night as it heats up quickly being energy efficient, it has a variable capacity from small to large and its extremely light. Plan on two small potatoes per person and 30, maybe 45, maybe even 60 minutes. Cooking potatoes for an hour yields a superior product but 1/2 that amount of time will do just fine.
![]() | 1. Wash and scrub potatoes well. Remove any dark spots and peel a bit to check thoroughtly. Heat up some peanut oil in the wok and add irregularly sliced potatoes gradually so temperature doesn't drop radically. The oil is hot enough if a slice sizzles and you want to listen for that continued sizzle when you add movre potatoes. Turn frequently with a slotted spoon and keep the heat on high. If the oil starts to smoke the bonds are breaking down in the oil (NOT Good) so turn the heat down. It depends on your stove and the quantity of potatoes. |
![]() | 2. After potatoes have been frying for 15 to 20 minutes they should be turning a bit brown along the edges. Turn the heat down to low and hold a wire basket or sieve over the wok. With a spatula (or slotted spoon) put all the potatoes in the basket and let the oil drain off.. Pour the oil that has collected in the wok into a saparate microwavable bowl as the oil is hot and can shock or shatter the bowl. Oil will keep fine in the refrigerator. Add drained potatoes to the wok and continue cooking over medium heat for an additional 10 to 40 minutes. You might want to turn the heat down to low after 25 minutes. This step makes the potatoes absorb excess oil and cooks the center. Toss potatoes with the spatula every couple of minutes. Don't let the wok smoke! |
![]() | 3. Here are the finished potatoes. The flash washed out the color so you just have to take my word on how tasty these simple to make potatoes are. You can dribble a little lemon juice on them if you are fat-phobic as the lemon cuts the fat. Enjoy. My family always finished them off. |