Egg-Lemon Soup


One whole Chicken cut into pieces with fat removed and approximately 1/2 the skin

2 Large onions - peeled and quartered

1 Medium Carrot - peeled and cut into medium  soup sized chunks

2 Large Lemons - squeeze and save juice and pulp but no seeds - for up to 4 servings

Salt and Pepper/ Bay leaves- 1/2 t. salt and nearly as much pepper - 3 to 4 Bay leaves

Eggs - one Jumbo egg per serving - Do not plan on leftovers as soup can not be saved - Make what you need

Rice - 1/4 Cup per person - the whiter and gooier the better


1.  Bring a large pot of water to a boil under high heat and add cut up chicken.  After 10 to 15 minutes of boiling skim white scum on surface.  Add salt, pepper, bay leaves and carrots.  Turn heat down to medium, cover and cook for 60 minutes.

2.  Add 1/4 Cup of Rice per person.  Boil an additional 30 minutes until rice is soft.  In the meantime squeeze the huice out of two lemons and separate yolks from whites from three eggs for three servings.

3.  I have transferred into a separate pot what I think are three good servings.  I have scooped up most of the rice and ladled from the top as well and you can see the yellow chicken fat covering 25% of the surface.  You need this fat to make the soup taste good and to improve your cold resistance.  Fear not, the lemon cuts the greasiness, trust me, you will see. 

4.  In these two bowls I have separated yolks from whites.  You must be absolutely certain to have no yolk mixed in with the white otherwise the whites won't stiffen. 

5.  This crucial picture shows how stiff the egg whites need to be beaten - pretty stiff.   Now add the egg yolks and the juice from one lemon and beat some more.  If you see the yellow yolk separating away from the egg white you did not add enough lemon, add some more.  You just want to blend whites, eggs and lemons hopefully in 15 to 30 seconds.  Now, add all at once to the soup which is boiling on high and fold in the mix gently and cook until egg is set maybe 2 or 3 minutes.

6.  This photograph shows the  finished soup.   Chicken soup and beaten eggs should turn into a frothy mix of uniform nearly souffle-like consistentcy.  Serve with lots of black pepper sprinkled on top.


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